Author: Jeffrey Haskovec

  • Stories about the acquisition

    When I posted my previous post, I left out most of the details about our acquisition as I was not sure what information was public and what wasn’t. Now that there has been some press around the acquisition I figured I would share some of it to provide some details. First off we had a…

  • Wow! We were acquired!

    Wow! That was unexpected after my last post talking about my first year, but we found out on Monday that we were acquired. It is the goal of every startup to be acquired so I am proud to have taken part in a huge turn around of a business to have made that possible. We…

  • Reflecting on my first year at Choose

    My First Year I just celebrated my one year anniversary in my current position, which is a great opportunity to look back on the last year of work. This role has been unlike any other that I have had in my career starting from the interview. When I was interviewing with my boss and we…

  • Lent and Easter fasting recap

    As we are at the end of the Easter Octive I realized that I have been remiss to give an update on how the intermittent fasting went for Lent. From Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday I only ate between the hours of 6pm and 10pm. Overall I found that after a day or 2 your…

  • Bring on the intermittent fasting

    Lent Lent is here and I decided to go with the intermittent fasting that I had been considering. First as previously mentioned, I was doing the slow carb diet. Between January 9th and March 1st I went from 251 pounds to 228.8 pounds. And that wasn’t adhering too closely to the diet. For example the…

  • More fasting benefits

    I came across another article on hackernews about the benefits of fasting. It seems that as more and more time goes by the evidence grows that intermittent fasting has enormous health benefits. This story is even more amazing from the diabetic standpoint and the regenerating your pancreas. Then my coworker sent me this video which…

  • Jackson Bug Update

    Well that was fast. I didn’t expect the day after the post to have an update but here it is. One thing I love about open source it is possible to find answers quickly. So it turns out that this is not in fact a bug. Apparently Jackson 2 aims for a Java 6 compatibility…

  • Bug in Jackson JSON serialization of Immutable objects

    The bug I have been using Jackson for JSON processing for many years now. It is a great framework and mostly just works. It is the default framework in Spring Boot and mostly it just sits behind the scenes and drives most micro services in Java these days. That is why I was surprised when…

  • Why starting a blog will change your life

    Introduction I came across this post on linked in and it was too good to not share. The author highlights all the benefits of starting a blog. The key thing he mentions is that you accrue all these benefits even if no one reads your blog. I have found all of this to be true…

  • Slow Carb Diet and Book Review

    Shortly after Epiphany I started doing the slow carb diet as outlined in the Tim Ferriss book The four Hour body. Basically slow carb is a high protein low carb diet. It seems friendly to fat in general, but I would say not as fat friendly as Paleo is. In the past I did paleo…