Author: Jeffrey Haskovec

  • Java 9 Upgrade

    After upgrading my test app to Spring Boot 2.0 yesterday I decided to see how difficult the Java 9 upgrade was from there. I am happy to report that it was fairly trivial. I upgraded my maven pom to set the Java version to 9 and did a mvn clean install. Immediately I see some…

  • Spring Boot 2.0

    Spring Boot 2.0 has finally arrived. Unfortunately we aren’t yet in a position at the office to be able to begin the upgrade so I decided to start playing around with it on one of my projects at home as I didn’t want to wait until we were ready to update our app. The first…

  • Upgrading to Java 9

    Upgrading to Java 9 Ever since Java 9 was released last fall, I have been wanting to upgrade our software at work to the new platform. I am not interested in the new module stuff, mostly I just want the convenience methods like List.of(), and the platform improvements. I think G1 by default looks good,…

  • Themes for 2018

    Introduction As is tradition on this blog I always lay out some themes to focus on for the upcoming year. These were last years themes if you want to get an idea for the types of things I usually do. I haven’t spent as much time as usual pondering my list this year as I…

  • 2017 year end review

    Recap for 2017 Now that I am off of work for the rest of the year I decided that it was a good time to work on my annual year end review for 2017 and see how my year went. This is the post I did at the start of the year for my plan…

  • HTTP Location Header

    I came across this blog post today about using the HTTP Location Header in REST API responses when creating a resource. I have been doing Web development now since 2008 and in all that time I have never actually seen anyone use this header on any of their endpoints. That being said it makes a…

  • Bose QC-35 Product Review

    Today I received my new Bose Quiet Comfort 35 headphones that I ordered, so I figured that I would do a review on them. I have been a long time Bose Headphone user. It all started back in 2007. Sofi and I were about to fly out to Scotland to celebrate our wedding anniversary and…

  • Microservices as the way to onboard a new engineer

    Microservice onboarding… It has been a crazy couple of months since I took my new role. I have had so much new stuff to learn I haven’t been making a lot of time for other technical pursuits in my spare time. But that being said I am on paternity leave right now, so I figured…

  • Last Choose post

    I haven’t had a chance to update my blog lately as I have been so busy in my new role. That being said I did want to highlight the writing of some of my former coworkers as I think they are writing some great stuff. First check out Kevin Stephen’s blog over at: Kevin…

  • My Last Day at Choose

    Today was my last day at choose. What a ride it has been. Thus far it has been my favorite job in my entire career. The quality of the team was top notch and I can’t believe how much software we shipped. The turn around was epic and we just had a ton of fun…