Tag: spring boot

  • Gotta love open source and github

    The Problem I have been working on this project to make our app run in any Java Container. Currently we run in JBoss, but ideally I would like the app to work in JBoss or Tomcat, or TomEE or Wildfly. One of the challenges in making this change is to remove JBoss specific dependencies from…

  • Spring Boot and Security using Spring Data JPA for authentication

    Recently one of my friends was working on a Spring Boot project and he was having trouble finding an example of how to configure user login for his site with Spring Boot using JPA. I had mentioned that there is some mention of configuring security in Greg Turnquist’s book Learning Spring Boot. He had just…

  • JavaMug Spring Boot Discussion

    I attended JavaMug last Wednesday as the speaker was Craig Walls author of Spring Boot in Action. When I heard about the book I had planned on purchasing it, but was disappointed there was no kindle version on Amazon. It does state if you purchase the print edition they will give you the kindle one…

  • Themes for 2016

    As my holiday vacation winds down I decided it is time to figure out what my themes are going to be for 2016. Last year I did a fairly good job at hitting the themes I laid out for the year, so I Am curious to see how it will turn out this year. The…

  • Recap for 2015

    At the start of the year I posted my Themes for 2015. I decided now is a good time to look at what I was thinking at the start of the year and see how my year turned out. I think it is sort of pointless to set out some ideas of things you want…

  • Spring Boot Actuator Guide

    One of the most interesting Spring Boot features to me is the Spring Boot Actuator. I just love the concept of having all these restful endpoints to get useful operational data right out of the box. One issue I have had is that I don’t actually know all the endpoints just a few that I…

  • Spring Boot for prototyping

    I am on a new project at work that looks to be very interesting. I am redesigning our Cassandra layer. Currently we have a beautifully done layer that was designed and implemented by our former architect. It ends up making Cassandra look just like a JPA entity and we have Cassandra Repositories that look just…

  • JHipster webinar

    I saw this come across the Spring blog this week. They are going to be doing a webinar for JHipster. As I mentioned in a previous post I am very interested in JHipster as it combines 2 things I am interested in learning Spring Boot and Angular. If you are interested in checking it out…

  • JHipster

    I was reading the Spring Blog the other day and I came across this story. I was intrigued because I found the name funny so I read the post and watched the embedded youtube video and was completely blown away. Take all the excitement I had for Spring Boot after SpringOne and multiply it by…

  • Themes for 2015

    As my Christmas vacation draws to a close I am starting to think of themes for 2015. Why themes and not goals or resolutions? Well I think resolutions are sort of setting yourself up for failure and goals are very rigid so I am going with more general themes. Obviously the first theme I am…