Let’s Encrypt Wildcard Certs

Recently Let’s Encrypt announced that they would be supporting wildcard certs. I was pretty excited to hear about this as many times I would like to get certs for machines that might not be accessible on the internet. Currently I didn’t see an easy way to do this. With the new certs you could get a cert on your web server for your domain and use that cert on all the other machines in your domain that need TLS as well.

I decided to try it out and see how easy it was to do. I updated my certbot client to version 0.22 and did some google around and found out that you have to specify the new acme version 2 servers on the client command line in order to generate the wildcard cert. So I found the command and fired it up:

./certbot-auto --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory -d *.haskovec.com --manual --preferred-challenges dns-01 certonly

The command runs and asks you a few questions and then presents a DNS challenge. They give you a TXT record that you need to update in your DNS server to prove that you control the domain. I added the record and waited a couple of minutes and next thing you know it generated my new cert.

I updated my NGINX config to point to the new cert restarted the server and hit my site. Next thing I see is an SSL error. It turns out if you only have *.haskovec.com in the cert that isn’t a valid server for the base domain of haskovec.com. So I reran the command again and specified the following:

 ./certbot-auto --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory -d haskovec.com -d *.haskovec.com --manual --preferred-challenges dns-01 certonly

This time it asked me if I want to expand my cert to include the new domain name. I said yes. Next it had 2 challenges that I needed to insert into my DNS TXT record. I added them both and finished generating the new cert. When I restarted NGINX my site was back. I ran the https://www.ssllabs.com/ security test on my site and I am still at an A+.

All in all a very easy process and I recommend people give it a try.
