Category: Encryption

  • Let’s Encrypt Wildcard Certs

    Recently Let’s Encrypt announced that they would be supporting wildcard certs. I was pretty excited to hear about this as many times I would like to get certs for machines that might not be accessible on the internet. Currently I didn’t see an easy way to do this. With the new certs you could get…

  • Speaking of security…

    Today I came across the following news. The Chrome security team is considering marking all non-HTTPS sites as insecure (since they are.) Check out the story here. What this means is that if you don’t setup SSL on your site you are likely to lose users who are going to fear if your site is safe to…

  • Security is about tradeoffs

    When I was working on this site on of the first things I did after setting up SSL was to run the Qualys SSL Labs Test on my site. This tool will analyze your site security and point out any weaknesses and assign a grade to your site. I initially scored a C and used…

  • PGP and the trouble with the web of trust

    I have been a fan of Pretty Good Privacy and Gnu Privacy Guard for years. It was just a great idea and I would love to see it more widely used. One problem PGP has always had is the learning curve and ease of use. It used to be very difficult to integrate it into…