I decided to upgrade my site to the new version of Ubuntu as I haven’t done that for a couple of years. It is always a nice thing to work on when I am on vacation as it is the sort of thing that I don’t really get around to normally when I am busy. What a pain that ended up being.
The Upgrade for the OS itself went very smoothly as it seems to normally do so for Ubuntu. But the upgrade to the newer version of PHP broke everything with my site. As I think back actually I think this happened last time when I went from Ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 as well and it jumped from php5 to php7. I ended up with about a 3 hour outage trying to sort everything out.
The big issue I saw was the default user that php was using was different than the nginx user so it couldn’t write to the Unix Domain Socket. I also noticed all the configuration advice for nginx was very different than when I set up this site. It seems like things are laid out better with the whole snippets of different configurations instead of sort of everything going in the default.conf
. At some point I may want to start over again from a blank AMI image and import my content into it. Then I could setup nginx a little bit more modern. Seems like there are lets encrypt plugins for it too, so I am wondering if I could have it auto-renew my certificates.
Another thing I could do if I redid the site, would be to switch to mariadb. I have heard it is supposed to be faster than mysql it might be fun to mess with something different. That being said I probably won’t get to that this winter as I am currently working on some content for a talk and I also want to spend a little time doing some machine learning classes on Coursera before I get back to work.
I did take advantage of the time in the config files to figure out how to tighten up my SSL Labs score. I found that I was missing just 1 item to push my key exchange test from a 90 to a 100 so I implemented that. I was hoping to be able to turn on TLSv1.3 as well, but unfortunately Ubuntu 18.04.1 ships with a version of OpenSSL that is too old to support it. I saw on a mailing list that it is supposed to be coming though so hopefully soon I will be able to update to that.