I’m back

After a month long hiatus I have returned. I have been traveling for most of the last month so the blog sort of fell to the side. Now that I am done with my summer travel I hope to be back to the weekly posting schedule. That being said I don’t have a lot of updates as I have been vacationing and not doing a lot of work so it was recharge time and not explore new technologies. However today there is a new MOOC starting that people may be interested in, it is the Java 8 Lambda and Streams Intro class. I plan on going through this class to try to improve my way of thinking to be more functional when solving problems in Java. I am hoping to do some work to push a container upgrade at work in the next couple of weeks which will allow us to go to Java 8 in production in the following month so with any luck I will be using these new constructs come fall in my projects.