Blog Brain Transplant (part 2)
I haven’t updated the site in a long time, so I finally decided to do so. I was on paternity leave a few months back and in that time when I wasn’t exhausted or busy with my son I spent the time thinking, reading and doing some exploring. One of the things that has concerned…
Blog Brain Transplant
I started writing here at the end of November in 2014. At that time I figured out how to setup WordPress on an EC2 container in AWS and figure out how to secure it. From a general devops standpoint it was a great exercise for me to get better with AWS and just generally how…
2019 Year in Review
Wow what a year. It has flown by and as you can see I haven’t gotten to the blog since I upgraded the site earlier this year. Looking in my drafts it looks like I was intending to write a post about travel, but I didn’t get back to it. Anyway given that the year…
The Chug
So far this year I have not been keeping to my blogging schedule. Since posting my themes for the year I have been AWOL too busy working on launching a product in my current role. That being said a friend of mine just launched a new show on YouTube called The Chug. If you are…
Google Kubernetes Engine
Introduction I have been messing around with Google Kubernetes Engine for the last few weeks now (as we are deploying my new app to it) and I have to say overall I am impressed. There has been a lot of talk about Kubernetes for a while and at first I was wondering if it was…
For several months now I have been hearing all the hype on the blogs for Docker. I mostly have been ignoring the stuff, skim a post here and there but I haven’t been that interested in it. One of my coworkers has taken a big interest on the other hand and has started to work…