Category: Spring Framework

  • Serverless and Spring Cloud Function

    We have been discussing going to a more serverless architecture at work and so I decided that I should do some research to see where that stuff is now. When I was at Choose we used AWS Lambda to implement the backend of an abandoned shopping cart service. We would then use that data to…

  • MacOS Sierra Slowdown update

    I have an update on my slowdown issues on Sierra. It appears the real problem lies in the AWS Java SDK. After talking to the spring boot people via github they were able to narrow it down to an Amazon issue. I opened an issue on github with Amazon and they responded that the version…

  • Spring Boot and Security using Spring Data JPA for authentication

    Recently one of my friends was working on a Spring Boot project and he was having trouble finding an example of how to configure user login for his site with Spring Boot using JPA. I had mentioned that there is some mention of configuring security in Greg Turnquist’s book Learning Spring Boot. He had just…

  • Spring autowiring name collisions

    I am currently working on a project to move a bunch of data from SQL to Cassandra as the datastore. We have created a Cassandra Framework that looks very similar to the Spring Data JPA Framework that we use for SQL. Our Cassandra Framework we annotate data with @CassandraEntity and @CassandraRepository instead of @Entity and…

  • Field injection is not evil

    I am a big fan of the work Oliver Gierke has done in Spring Data. It is a framework I use daily at work and it really is amazing. A while back Greg Turnquist had posted something on Twitter against field injection. So I asked what was wrong with field injection and he pointed me…

  • Spring Boot Actuator Guide

    One of the most interesting Spring Boot features to me is the Spring Boot Actuator. I just love the concept of having all these restful endpoints to get useful operational data right out of the box. One issue I have had is that I don’t actually know all the endpoints just a few that I…

  • Spring Boot for prototyping

    I am on a new project at work that looks to be very interesting. I am redesigning our Cassandra layer. Currently we have a beautifully done layer that was designed and implemented by our former architect. It ends up making Cassandra look just like a JPA entity and we have Cassandra Repositories that look just…

  • Spring 4.1 finally!!!

    Last Monday I got into the office and I decided that is it, I am going to get our app upgraded to Spring 4.1. I had been working on this off and on for like 9 months, updating dependencies in the pom, doing some testing, wash, rinse, repeat… As I had mentioned in a previous…

  • Spring Security 4.0

    I was checking the Spring Blog today to see what was new after taking much of the week off. I came upon the following entry. Of course I was very interested as Spring Security 4.0 has been hyped for a few months now so I figured I would check out the migration guide from 3.2…

  • JHipster webinar

    I saw this come across the Spring blog this week. They are going to be doing a webinar for JHipster. As I mentioned in a previous post I am very interested in JHipster as it combines 2 things I am interested in learning Spring Boot and Angular. If you are interested in checking it out…