Category: AspectJ

  • The nuclear option

    I have been using open source software now for about 20 years. One of the things that I always saw discussed back in the day was if you don’t like the way a project is being run you can always fork it and do things differently. In all my years I have never actually felt…

  • Spring 4.1 / AspectJ Progress

    My coworker discovered that the new version of AspectJ already has the flags built in to turn off the annotation processing. If we can do that we can continue using the Maven Processor Plugin to generate the Hibernate Metamodel data and not have to abandon this. The problem at this point is the AspectJ Maven…

  • Maven Compiler Plugins, AspectJ, and the Hibernate Metamodel generator

    For a while now I have been avoiding upgrading the maven java compiler plugin. We are running 2.5.1 at work. The problem is, in the 3.x version, they seemed to have rewritten it, and it doesn’t want to play nice with the maven-processor-plugin that we used to run the hibernate meta model generator. So far…