Author: Jeffrey Haskovec

  • Spring autowiring name collisions

    I am currently working on a project to move a bunch of data from SQL to Cassandra as the datastore. We have created a Cassandra Framework that looks very similar to the Spring Data JPA Framework that we use for SQL. Our Cassandra Framework we annotate data with @CassandraEntity and @CassandraRepository instead of @Entity and…

  • Let’s Encrypt

    I received an email a week or 2 ago that I was accepted into the EFF’s Let’s Encrypt Beta program to try out their new SSL certificate generation service. It uses the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol. I have been really interested in this program since it was announced as in the past when…

  • Field injection is not evil

    I am a big fan of the work Oliver Gierke has done in Spring Data. It is a framework I use daily at work and it really is amazing. A while back Greg Turnquist had posted something on Twitter against field injection. So I asked what was wrong with field injection and he pointed me…

  • Cassandra Days in Dallas 2015

    I may have mentioned this before, but I love going to software conferences. When I got the email mentioning that Cassandra Days was coming to Dallas with a free 1 day conference on all things Cassandra, I signed up immediately. The event was sponsored by Datastax who sells a commercial version of Cassandra called Datastax…

  • New computers

    I have been thinking for a while that a MacBook Pro looked like the ideal Java development machine. That being said I didn’t really want to drop $2500 to actually confirm my idea. I had suggested it at work, but corporate policy had us on Dell machines. Anyway last week I mentioned that I think…

  • Kegs & code

    I attended the kegs & code last night. It was a code challenge and party with cash prizes that was hosted by Saltt Ventures. I had never attended a code challenge or hack-a-thon or anything like that, but I figured it is good to get out of your comfort zone every now and then and…

  • The Jetbrains fiasco

    This is sort of old news now, but I haven’t had a chance to weigh in yet so I figured I would type my thoughts up anyway. On September 3rd Jetbrains announced a new licensing model. As you can imagine people immediately went crazy on twitter and 15 years of developer goodwill went up in…

  • Duolingo

    I saw some friends on Facebook discussing Duolingo. While I had briefly heard of it I had never paid attention to it. So I decided to log on and check it out. It is pretty cool, as an intermediate level Spanish speaker I wanted to see how I did on their placement test and what…

  • Spring Boot Actuator Guide

    One of the most interesting Spring Boot features to me is the Spring Boot Actuator. I just love the concept of having all these restful endpoints to get useful operational data right out of the box. One issue I have had is that I don’t actually know all the endpoints just a few that I…

  • Security Headers

    I saw a post on twitter about Security Headers. Basically Security Headers will scan your website and check for some common HTTP Headers that you should be including to make your site more secure. They also include helpful links as to how to fix the issues it finds. On my first scanned it warned me…